Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012 3:08pm

I had the usual for breakfast.  Plain oatmeal, plain yogurt, fresh strawberries, a banana, and some pecans.  I really enjoy this breakfast,  I'm going to try and mix it up a bit though.  I use to only top it with cherries,  so I'm making progress!

After breakfast we met with a few friends for a park playdate... Leaving the house is hard for me.  Seeing all the signs,  hearing the commercials over the radio;  there are lots of temptations.  I had to keep telling myself " just make it to the park,  just commit to not stopping to get anything on your way to the park.". And I did it.  I made it to the park.  I was able to be present and not thinking about my next "fix/binge".  The weather was nice and I was able to enjoy myself.  Leaving to return home was rough.  We were all hungry,  the boys were cranky,  and all that fast food was tempting! I said to myself, again " Commit to not stopping to get any food until on your way home.".  That really seems to be the way to "win" these small battles.  Making small commitments.